Branding Agencies: What Are They? What Do They Do? & Why Does Your Business Need One?

When I decided to start CCC I had a general idea of what I wanted the company to be. A dreamer’s vision of a small firm with talented creatives that work on their own schedules from wherever they may be at any given time. Admittedly, I probably went about it wrong, took the dream, and worked backwards. I don’t know, you gotta start somewhere, and it’s seemed to work out okay. Anyways, I wanted to run a boutique branding agency, graphic design, and copywriting studio. That was my line to anyone who cared enough to know…. The typical response was “what?”. I realized that my marketing and entrepreneurial brain existed in a space where everyone knew what the heck I was talking about. To this day, the most common asked question following “What do you do?”, is “Okay, but like what do YOU do? What kind of stuff are you working on?”. I now understand that this translates to “What does a branding agency do?” — Noted. 

So, everyone, friends, family, readers, I am here to tell you what a branding agency does! If you’re reading this it’s likely that you asked me this question and I referred you to the CCC blog to 1. Increase my traffic and 2. Get some eyes on this COPY. There’s also the less likely circumstance where I do not know or work with you and you’ve genuinely stumbled upon this post because you’re interested in learning more about branding, if so, this one’s especially for you. 

What Is a Branding Agency? 

As a small copywriting, graphic design, and branding agency our focus is primarily on the creation, development, maintenance and growth of your brand. We do this in a number of ways but first, it’s our job to ask a lot of questions, do market research, and collaborate with you and your team on the brand, voice, and identity that you wish to portray to your customers. Columbus Creative Copy supports brands by deepening our understanding of your business, and clarifying your goals and objectives for growth and development. It is ultimately our role to communicate this brand in an effective and efficient way to the appropriate audience. Following the development (or assessment) of a brand’s identity, we help provide and implement the strategy for achieving the desired results. CCC provides our clients with the right ingredients to create purpose, value, voice, positioning, and success. 

What is a Brand? Why is it Important?

As I am writing this I realize in the exploration of “Branding Agency”, I’ve made the assumption that my readers also understand what a brand/branding is at all. So, let’s backtrack a bit. As I like to call it,, the world’s most reliable source of information, Wikipedia, defines brand as this “A brand is a name, term, design, symbol or any other feature that identifies one seller’s goods or service as distinct from those of other sellers.” Pretty straightforward. So we’ve got that down (I hope), (if not, shoot me an email, you’d likely benefit greatly)… but what does it mean when a firm, like Columbus Creative Copy, says they offer “branding”? Developing a brand is a complex job, with way more that goes into it than meets the eye. Brands are created and sold by a team of professionals in the form of branding packages or branding kits. Said packages are inspired by the founder’s vision for their company as well as hours of research, graphic design, and copywriting on our end.

Then What?

As I mentioned before, branding is much more than just the logos and colors— once the branding kit is established and created, we’re on to presenting that brand to the appropriate audience. Brand strategy is perhaps the most important aspect of a branding agency. Strategizing with a branding agency has the very important task of growing your business and increasing your brand recognition to new and existing customers. An exceptional logo is all fine and dandy but without a plan of how you’re going to get that logo in front of people, the brand alone is a royal waste of money! Here at CCC we are not particularly fond of creating something and watching it die. That’s why we go beyond just brand creation, to website design, website management, social media ent, growth strategy, and just about any form of marketing materials you could imagine. Our work doesn’t stop until yours does.

Thanks for readin’ this short post on what a branding agency does. If you have anymore questions about branding, or other services offered by Columbus Creative Copy, don’t hesitate to reach out! Asking questions is free.


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